Today in Trumpland
by digby

Just to catch you up if you have a life and haven't been following Trump central:
"These are professional agitators, and I think that somebody should say that when a road is blocked going into the event so that people have to wait sometimes hours to get in, I think that's very fair and there should be blame there, too," he said on ABC's "This Week."
He added that protesters put up signs during his rallies that have "tremendous profanity."
"I mean the worst profanity, and you have television cameras all over the place and people see these signs," he said.
"I think maybe those people have some blame and should suffer some blame also."
At a rally in Arizona on Saturday, protesters parked their cars near the location to block traffic. Traffic was backed up for miles, CNN reported.
Trump called it "unfair" that "professional" and "sick" protesters could put their cars in the road and block thousands of people from coming to his speech. He said the rally was delayed for an hour because of the protesters.
"And nobody says anything about that," he said.
He also defended his rallies, saying he has huge numbers of people come out with few incidents. He added he does not condone violence.
"And we have very little violence — very, very little violence at the rallies," he said.
Then there's this with Trump's thuggish campaign manager who last week was accused of roughing up a Breitbart reporter in Florida:
In a second incident, Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski appears to get into an altercation with another protestor. I want to be clear what we know in this caee and do not know. The video below was posted by CBS News reporter Jacqueline Alemany. She identifies the man with close cropped hair, to the protestors left, as Lewandowski. That appears correct to me but I can't independently confirm that. The man identified as Lewandowski appears to grab the protestors collar and yank him back.
Why int the hell is the campaign manager even interacting with protesters at all? Shouldn't this be left to the authorities?
As for the protesters blocking cars on the way to the Trump rally --- cry me a river.