Mass murder machines in the hands of average humans

Mass murder machines in the hands of average humans

by digby

I'm having a hard time thinking about anything but the latest violence today.  I was up very late last night writing about it. But it does occur to me that aside  from our usual daily gun carnage in the last few years we've had mentally ill people shooting up grade schools and movie theaters, anti-abortion zealots shooting up Planned parenthood clinics, white supremacists shooting up black churches, Muslim extremists shooting up gay nightclubs and now it appears we have had a black militant shooting up police officers.

We're a culture under stress and our love affair with semi-automatic weapons is making it way too easy for people in the cross-currents to act on their grievances by killing large numbers of people.

The common denominator isn't the people --- they all have different motives. It's the goddamned guns.
