There Is Nothing Remotely Funny About This Level Of Chaos by tristero

There Is Nothing Remotely Funny About This Level Of Chaos 

by tristero

I completely agree:

“Communications Chief to Leave White House” (news article, March 1), about the planned departure of Hope Hicks, reveals the dysfunction at the White House, with the prominence of staff members who lack political experience. I was struck Wednesday night by the coverage on cable TV news, which at times appeared to be having too much fun covering what many regard as a reality show. 
This is not funny, as we live in a very dangerous world. Beyond the headlines are many ominous warnings of countries, including our own, preparing for a war that can easily go nuclear — that is, if we do not have steady and wise leadership. 
I would encourage people to treat what many describe as a circuslike atmosphere in government with less amusement and more of the gravity it deserves. Everyone needs comic relief, and that can be obtained in late-night entertainment talk shows and elsewhere, but not in the news. 
The present situation is, by far, the single most dangerous time in my entire life and my life includes the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think it will be a miracle if we can avoid a nuclear war. The stress the entire world is living under is incredible

Yeah, let the Olivers and the Colberts joke. We need comic relief. But the media endangers the planet if it in any way minimizes the existential threat the Republican party and its leader, Donald Trump, poses.

This isn't the slightest bit funny. And no, I won't chill until Republicans are completely out of power on the federal level.