Russia crib sheet

Russia crib sheet

by digby

The following Russia investigation crib sheet is from Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei which means that it reflects the common understanding among the villagers. If they could have found a way to make it look better for Trump they would have since their brand is jaded Village wisdom. It doesn't look good:

One thing is true of all major political scandals: What we know in the moment is but a tiny, obscured, partial view of the full story later revealed by investigators.

Why it matters: That’s what makes the Trump-Russia drama all the more remarkable. Forget all we don’t know. The known facts that even Trump’s closest friends don’t deny tell a damning tale that would sink most leaders.

 The undisputed known knowns about Trump, Russia and his associates are damning and possibly actionable. But the known unknowns of how much more Robert Mueller knows that is publicly unknown is what spooks Trump allies most.

Remember: No one in the media saw Mueller’s indictments of Russian oligarchs coming until the second they were announced, and no one knew until this week that Mueller’s team questioned AT&T five months ago about its payments to Cohen.
Mueller has every incentive to keep the public and Trump himself in suspense.