Calling Dr. Krugman by tristero

Calling Dr. Krugman 

by tristero

Dear Dr. Krugman,

On the (very) outside chance you're reading this, could you please click on over here and give your opinion?

From what I understand, it appears that an outside analysis of Sanders' Medicare-for-All proposal found that it would save people $2.1 trillion over a 10 year period. However the people who did the analysis didn't like that result, so they buried the finding and then made stuff up to make Sanders' plan look bad...but it isn't.

I don't have the economics background to go through this, but you do, so I'd like to know if this really is a case of mainstream conventional wisdom converging, as it often does, on a consensus based on hot air. Believe me, I wouldn't waste your time on it except for the fact that if Sanders' plan is reasonable and it really would lead to that much savings, then, by gum, that would be useful info to know going into November — and not to mention 2020.

Thanks, and sorry to bother you. Keep up your great work!



h/t Atrios