GOP self-ownership society

GOP self-ownership society

by digby

Trump's cultists may have adopted a new definition of patriotism but hislawyers would like him to stop publicly confessing to crimes:

President Donald Trump has been urged to stop tweeting about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Trump's top advisers and several Russians, a source familiar with discussions tells CNN.

The President was advised that his tweeting only gives oxygen to the topic, even if those around Trump do not believe there is any truly new development.

That's what they say. But they most certainly are concerned that he tweeted a confession that his campaign knowingly conspired with emissaries of the Russian government --- and believes there's nothing wrong with it. Since he has the mind of a child they have to tell him something else. But they know very well that he once again shot himself in the foot because he couldn't keep his big mouth shut.
