If you know some young people ...

If you know some young people ...

by digby

... make sure they vote this time.

If you can get them to apply or an absentee ballot, sit down with them and help them fill it out if necessary. Then put it in the mail for them. I remember when I was young "forgetting" to vote sometimes. Your life tends to be very full and politics feels pretty abstract, particularly these non-presidential years. But this time it's especially important that they do it.

Fact: in the last midterms, 27% of eligible Hispanics voted vs. 46% of eligible whites. And just 20% (!) of eligible 18-29 year olds voted. vs. 59% of seniors.

These enthusiasm gaps are still *big* obstacles to Dems (especially Beto) fully capitalizing on 2018. pic.twitter.com/JtlLNVtkwh
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) September 24, 2018

By the way, the low Latino turnout is also largely attributable to the young age of that demographic.

If you get the youngs out to vote in places with high numbers of Latinos you also boost the Latino vote and vice versa.