We're Forgetting A Few Things by tristero

We're Forgetting A Few Things 

by tristero

We're wrong about Kavanaugh, they're saying. Forget those seamy, salacious charges. This is a man with truly extensive qualifications, an extremely hard and dedicated worker.

Man, is he ever.

Brett Kavanaugh enthusiastically will seize any opportunity that presents itself to tout coat hanger abortions. As the record shows, he's gone quite a distance out of his way to make life miserable for women who want a safe, legal abortion.

Kavanaugh is also a highly partisan and relentlessly ruthless far right political operative. He stopped at nothing in his attempts to destroy at least one Democratic president. Even though a mere fraction of the documents regarding his political hit jobs have been made public, it is clear that this is a man who's worked day and night for years to oppose even the semblance of moderation in American politics.

He also intends to keep those political hits coming: in his latest appearance, he openly threatened to take personal revenge on his Democratic opponents - he said they "sowed the wind for decades to come" — once he's on the Supreme Court. I have no doubt he'll work at least as hard as Clarence Thomas has at being vindictive. (Note to media: why hasn't Kavanaugh's blatant threat against Democrats received the appalled attention it clearly deserves?)

Kavanaugh has also worked hard to support the weirdest delusions of the Republican base: he helped push a bizarre conspiracy theory regarding the death of a presidential counsel — a theory with no basis whatsoever in consensual reality.

Kavanaugh has also signaled through his writings and behavior that once he is on the Supreme Court, he will do everything in his power to ensure that Donald Trump and his cronies in the White House will be shielded from accountability to the law.

Let's not forget any of his many achievements. Let's not forget how incredibly hard Kavanaugh worked throughout his career to harm women with his legal decisions and debase our politics with his partisanship.

In addition, Kavanaugh attacked Blasey Ford, he's a sloppy, belligerent drunk and a perjurer. He's also  insufferably elitist, entitled, and barely able to contain his rage even when sober. In and of themselves, these behaviors and character flaws all disqualify him from sitting on the Supreme Court.

But even if he was the sweetest, kindest, gentlest, and most humble human being on earth, his extremist views and hyper-partisan career demonstrate profound bias, the very antithesis of judicial balance.

In short, while his bad character should be enough, there is far more than that to disqualify him. Brett Kavanaugh is a uniquely awful choice for the Supreme Court.