Trump works harder than anyone has ever worked in the history of the world!

Trump works harder than anyone has ever worked in the history of the world!

by digby

Rush Limbaugh makes the case:
Donald Trump is the kind of guy who never has structured a lot of things day to day. Donald Trump purposely leaves a schedule open because he doesn’t know what’s gonna happen day to day. He wants to leave time to deal with pop-ups. He wants to leave time to deal with things that just pop up out of nowhere that he wants to do or people need to see him about. He ran the Trump Organization that way. He wrote about it in The Art of the Deal.
Just like there’s not a soul that would ever accuse Donald Trump of white supremacy or racism or bigotry! But all of a sudden, he becomes the Republican candidate, and he becomes all of those things. Now he becomes president and becomes lazy to boot. The one thing he’s not is lazy.

The guy gets four hours sleep a night max! So we have this gigantically… “‘He’s always calling people, talking to people,’ a senior White House official told us. ‘He’s always up to something; it’s just not what you would consider typical structure.'” “He’s always up to something.” That’s the White House explaining what Executive Time is: “He’s always up to something.” Now, those of us who know Trump know exactly what that means.

He’s not resting. He’s not sleeping. He’s not slacking off. To inside-the-Beltway types, the Washington establishment types, “He’s always up to something” means, “He’s trying to lie. He’s trying to cheat. He’s trying to come up with ways to trick us. He’s trying to get out of doing things.” That’s what this means to them. If you don’t put everything you do — including every time you breathe — on your schedule, then you’re trying to hide something. You’re trying to cover something up. You’re trying to keep what you’re doing from being known.
Let me tell you something else. To somebody like Trump the absolute biggest waste of time is a meeting. The most unproductive part of the day is meetings. That’s why I think Trump televises ’em. I think that’s how he keeps himself interested. I don’t know about you, you know I’ve related this to you before, but I had to do all kinds of meetings before my daily television show. And I didn’t like them. I thought they were a distraction.

But they had to be done because there were so many people involved in putting the show together that I just couldn’t go do it like I can do this. I don’t have to tell one person what I’m gonna do. I don’t have tell one person what I want to talk about, one person what I want to say. I don’t have to do one meeting, I never have had a meeting to do this show. And if I had to have meetings, I don’t know that I could last.
I have never been a specific goal oriented person because I found them limiting. I’ve had generic, big-time, massive goals, but not specific. For example, I had a goal, I want to be the most listened to radio guy. I didn’t have 25 goals before I got there. I didn’t have a goal, “Okay, I gotta become the most listened to in Pittsburgh first, most listened to in Sacramento next.” None of that. The fewer goals I had, the less limiting. You have a set of goals, an opportunity comes up, doesn’t fit with the goals that you’ve set with, you pass up the opportunity. I didn’t want to pass up an opportunity.

I always hate turning out the lights at night because I’m turning out the chance for something exciting to happen. Even if it’s 2 a.m., I hate turning out the lights. I hate admitting that there might not be anything more exciting happening. I understand this business of unstructured time. You’re waiting for things to pop up you can deal with or make things happen, whatever. Structured time is boring, it’s predictable.

Anyway, it’s just the latest salvo in the overall attempt to say Donald Trump is not qualified, Donald Trump doesn’t know how it’s done. And because Donald Trump won’t conform is why we can’t support him and why things will not get done. If Donald Trump would just conform, we might give him money for a wall, but he won’t conform. But it’s really part of the effort to portray him as square peg in a round hole. He doesn’t fit here. We don’t want him here and this is not his world. It’s all part of that effort to eventually drive him out of office.

And there’s another possibility with this, and it is very much so that whoever these six sources are that comprise the leakers of Trump’s schedule, what do you think the odds are they’re just people that Trump doesn’t consult, that Trump does not include, and that their noses are out of joint that they’re not utilized, that they’re not in on whatever’s going on, they’re not included? And so they leak this in a fit of pique trying to embarrass Trump.

Trump’s not an idiot. He’s known that he’s got all kinds of saboteurs and leakers inside his own administration. I think Executive Time on this schedule, like 8 a.m. to 11 a., that’s when Trump’s working, that’s when Trump is working on his agenda with people that he trusts. And one of the reasons he stays in the residence, doesn’t go to the Oval Office, is he’s freezing a bunch of people out that he thinks may not be loyal. And I think they have figured it out, and so they’re gonna leak like a bunch of spoiled brat little kids because Trump is hiding things from them.

I especially liked the part where he compared his own experience as a pampered celebrity with a two hour radio show with that of the president of the United States. But it is true that Limbaugh has the job Trump wishes he has --- and how he approaches it. He tweets, he watches TV, he talks to his pals on the phone (about what he saw on TV) he reads bad polls and positive clips and spends a little time as possible getting briefings, reading papers, listening to experts and dealing with policy.

This is obvious. And frankly, even Rush doesn't sound too confident in his declaration there. It sounds exactly like the weasely rationalization it is.
