This report is an impeachment roadmap
by digby
I'm busy reading the report so I don't have any kind of full analysis yet. But so far, it's obvious to me that Mueller meant this report as a roadmap to impeachment. It's a narrative of an incompetent, unethical president willingly colluding with anyone they could find to sabotage the Clinton campaign who only escaped a finding of conspiracy because they didn't make personal contact with Russian agents in the act of hacking and the law doesn't provide for a president being totally corrupt and ignorant about selling out the country to a foreign adversary.
First, here's the rest of that sentence Barr hung the "no collusion" conclusion on in his four page letter:
The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through the Russian efforts,the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinate with the Russian government in its election interference activities.

The obstruction is outrageous and overwhelming. What we knew he did publicly was nothing to what he was doing privately. It's obvious that Mueller declined to exonerate because he knew the congress needed to see it all and make a judgment.
This behavior is clearly impeachable. Remember, they voted to impeach Clinton and even Nixon on much less.
We need to hear from all of these people in public hearings. They already waived executive privilege by speaking to the Special Counsel so they cannot claim it. And it has to happen right away.
Impeachment has to be on the table now. If it isn't, our democracy is gone. It means that there are no impediments to a lawless president. We might as well remove the impeachment clause from the constitution.