The New Consensus: It's All Trump's Fault by tristero

The New Consensus: It's All Trump's Fault 

by tristero

Maureen Dowd:

Sorry, James Comey. You’re wrong again. 
Donald Trump does not eat “your soul in small bites,” as you wrote in a Times Op-Ed. He devours the entire thing in one big gulp. 
The transformation of William Barr from respected establishment lawyer to evil genius outplaying and undermining his old friend Robert Mueller is a Grand Guignol spectacle.
Anyone remotely familiar with Barr's history knows that Dowd is delusional. Barr has always behaved as a cynical GOP hatchet man. It's just now he's swinging that axe on behalf of a vulgar someone that none of Dowd's friends want to pinky-sup with. No, Barr never bent over backwards to be equitable towards Trump and then got swallowed up. He's one of the avid swallowers.

The rest of the column is pretty good, but really, it's high time the chatterers recognize that so-called Establishment Republicans may make classier dinner guests than Trump, but that does not mean anything when it comes to policies or actual behavior. The GOP rotted out a long time ago.