QOTD: Alan Lichtman

QOTD: Alan Lichtman

by digby

Image result for allan lichtman

Alan Lichtman, who says that if the congress does not impeach the president he will win re-election, said this on MSNBC today:

Impeachment shouldn't be based on political expediency. But here there is no rift. It's right morally and constitutionally and it's right politically. Democrats are falling into the same trap they fell into in 2016. Following the polls and the conventional wisdom and believing they can cruise to victory with a "not to lose strategy."

Mitch McConnell saying "hey I blocked Merrick Garland but I'll pass the Republican nominee" proves that we know about the two parties today. We have a Republican Party with no principles but a spine and a Democratic party with principles but so far, no spine. They can still grow a spine.

I don't have an educated opinion about his "model" although he has called the last nine elections so you can't just dismiss him. But his observation about Democrats fighting the last war by refusing to fight strikes me as correct regardless.

Here's where he makes the argument that the Democrats need to impeach to overcome some of Trump's structural advantages in spite of his unpopularity.
