Jared is working on the inner-city vote

Jared is working on the inner-city vote

by digby

The Washington Post reports that the boy genius is the hidden hand behind Trump's re-election campaign. This part made me laugh:

Kushner, 38, is the hidden hand of Trump’s 2020 campaign — rarely glimpsed in its Northern Virginia headquarters but signing off behind the scenes on everything from spending to digital initiatives to top-level hires.

He has asked Bill Stepien, a senior political adviser to the campaign, to provide him with a 10-year plan outlining how Republicans can win inner-city voters.

Trump and Kushner are clearly counting on Kim and Kanye to make that happen.

This might be a bit of a problem, however:

By the way, you will note that Trump always, always, always leads with fucking money. This greedy heir to a fortune (which he flushed down the toilet with his incompetent "business deals") is obsessed with money --- and using it as a tool to manipulate everyone around him. His entire worldview comes down to the simple idea that his power derives from his ability to use the power of money to force others to bow down.

As president that is the entire world.

His reluctance to use violence to achieve that end can be seen for the lie it is when you look at his concentration camps on the border and his enthusiastic support for the death penalty. The only thing stopping him from going into war would be the fact that he believes it would cost money he could otherwise steal for himself. (He's too stupid to understand what an economic blockbuster war-profiteering is, even as he loves the idea of selling massive amounts of arms to hostile countries.)

As for his alleged isolationism, he's also on record saying that if there is a war he intends to take the resources of the countries involved, so there's that. If he gets the chance to invade a country that provides an opportunity to steal, don't think he won't do it.
