The racism now defines them

The racism now defines them

by digby

Actually, it always did.

The theme of the day seems to be that the presidential candidates all made a big mistake last night by criticizing President Obama on the debate stage last night. I suspect that it will be forgotten by this evening when Donald Trump holds a rally and leads the crowd in a "lynch them" chant. I agree that it's not a good political strategy unless you want Joe Biden to win. Obama is very popular with Democrats, particularly African Americans, who comprise a vital voting bloc if you want to win delegates in half the country.

Whatever. As I said, it's so early that it's kind of useless to even think too much about it. In 2012 around this time, the Republicans were all gathered in a Church (without Romney, the eventual winner) and Michele Bachman was serving them water like she was Mary Magdalen.

Tonight we will be treated to the 7,425th Trump rally at which we will see how much steam his racist campaign strategy is gathering. I have a sneaking suspicion we won't be hearing "send her back" ... but they'll come up with some really ugly about Baltimore. ("Clean it up!" maybe? "Rats, rats, rats!" ?) But I think it's safe to say that this line of attack is not going away. White nationalism is the organizing principle of his cult.

Greg Sargent addresses the larger question this raises:

But, whatever is to be in Ohio, we need to ask a broader question about all this: To what degree are the national security professionals in Trump’s own administration concerned that his use of racist and white nationalist tropes risks emboldening white supremacist and white nationalist activity?

We know those professionals believe such activity is a serious threat, because they’ve said so. FBI director Christopher A. Wray and other FBI officials recently said the bureau has recorded some 90 domestic terrorism arrests in the past nine months, and of the cases that involve a racial motive, a majority are thought to be driven by white supremacy.

More broadly, FBI officials have also said that of the hundreds of overall domestic terrorism cases being investigated, a majority of those that are racially motivated are thought to be white supremacist in nature.

But here’s what we need to know more about: what those officials think about the impact of Trump’s rhetoric on such activity.

Outside analysts sound the alarm

National security analysts outside the government see this as a serious factor. Frank Figliuzzi, a former assistant FBI director for counterintelligence, has a new piece raising alarms about Trump’s fanning of white nationalist and white supremacist sentiment.

Figliuzzi cites reporting that indicates Trump’s recent rants against nonwhite lawmakers “emboldened white hate groups and reinforced racist blogs, news sites, and social media platforms.” Figliuzzi adds that Trump “empowers hateful and potentially violent individuals with his divisive rhetoric and his unwillingness to unequivocally denounce white supremacy.”

A former Department of Homeland Security analyst named Daryl Johnson — who was pushed out from the Obama administration after warning of resurgent white supremacy — recently told me that Trump’s language is emboldening hate groups.

What exactly can be discerned about the role of Trump’s rhetoric is complicated. But as that analyst noted to me, the constant drumbeat of Trumpian tropes — build the wall, keep out the swarthy invaders, George Soros is behind the caravans — has them “energized,” because the president is “mainstreaming their message.”

Since then, we’ve seen Trump tell elected nonwhite members of Congress to “go back” to their crime-infested hellhole countries, even though three were born here, which recycled his opposition to admitting people from “s---hole countries.” He spent days attacking an African American congressman’s Baltimore district as “infested” with rats and crime, exaggerating absurdly to do so.

Trump, then, is moving effortlessly between “s---hole countries” and “s---hole districts.” The suggestion is that the nonwhite “Squad” lawmakers, tainted by roots in specific hellhole countries, are not fundamentally part of the American nation. Multicultural urban America, places run by and for nonwhites, are to be hated and feared as unclean, as “infested,” also a stereotype with deep roots in American history.

Perhaps the national security professionals in Trump’s administration who are tracking domestic right-wing extremism don’t think his rhetoric plays any role in emboldening such activity. It would be good to know either way. Congressional Democrats could hold a hearing and press them more aggressively on these points.

“Trump’s racist, xenophobic, and otherwise extremist language must be worrying national security leaders in our government, as they think about its potential to spark violence,” Joshua Geltzer, senior counterterrorism director at the National Security Council from 2015 to 2017, told me. “Wray and others should be asked specifically whether Trump’s language contributes to that threat.”

I have a sneaking suspicion they won't answer it.

And if Trump has his way he'll have his personal henchmen at the top of the DOJ and the Intelligence Agencies ensuring that this problem will not be properly addressed. They are there to serve him and him alone. And these right wing terrorists are part of Trump's base.

And then there are the rest of his accomplices:

A big question about Republicans

The chants of “send her back” ultimately caused heartburn among Republicans — some of whom may have been sincerely horrified — because it showcased the naked hatred and white nationalist impulses undergirding Trumpism on national television, too vividly to explain away.

But this only raises further questions about the limits on the willingness of GOP officials to condemn Trump’s racist incitements. Little by little, the boundaries of what they will tolerate are expanding outward.

“Trump is making the unacceptable acceptable to them,” Geltzer told me. “He’s getting a wide circle of elected Republicans to acquiesce in his horrible language, and some even to excuse it.”

Democrats can bear down harder on this point — that is, on the consequences of Trump’s racism. As former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke put it, Trump’s racism is “changing this country.”

Or at least he’s changing what GOP voters expect from their elites, as political theorist Jacob T. Levy suggests, and with it, the conduct of those elites. GOP lawmakers condemned the “send her back” chants when they became too uncomfortable. One must ask whether they no longer see it as their role to reflect on the potential impact of Trump’s regular drumbeat of racism on the country.
If they have a conscience, which I guess some of them do, they are either frightened of losing their seats or they are frightened of their own constituents if they quit and say anything. They are traitorous cowards. The rest are racists themselves. Obviously.

Also this, from John Amato

Most domestic terrorists come from the white supremacist, anti-abortion, anti-government, and militia movements. Now the FBI is recognizing "conspiracy theorists" as new domestic terrorist threat.

We've seen the insane nut-baggery cause real harm since Trump began his run for office.

Yahoo! News broke the story:

The FBI for the first time has identified fringe conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorist threat, according to a previously unpublicized document obtained by Yahoo News. (Read the document below.) 
The FBI intelligence bulletin from the bureau’s Phoenix field office, dated May 30, 2019, describes “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists,” as a growing threat, and notes that it is the first such report to do so. It lists a number of arrests, including some that haven’t been publicized, related to violent incidents motivated by fringe beliefs. 
The document specifically mentions QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy against President Trump, and Pizzagate, the theory that a pedophile ring including Clinton associates was being run out of the basement of a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant (which didn’t actually have a basement). 
Christopher Wray, the FBI Director, recently told a Congressional hearing that White Supremacists are major cause of domestic terrorism.  
"The Bureau has recorded about 100 arrests of domestic terrorism suspects in the past nine months and that most investigations of that kind involve some form of white supremacy," Wray testified. 
Conspiracy theorists are nothing new but they've become much more dangerous and insidious. I doubt any domestic terrorism attack was fueled over the debate about the JFK shooting.

The FBI acknowledges conspiracy theory-driven violence is not new, but says it’s gotten worse with advances in technology combined with an increasingly partisan political landscape in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election.

It would be nice if Republican Congressmen like Rep. Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz and many others who have been promoting the phony 'deep state' conspiracies against Trump would be called to account for these actions by the FBI.

Donald Trump promoted the racist and insane Birther movement against President Obama and that is a national threat as well.

In fact, Trump promotes every conspiracy theory floating out online that supports him. Claiming it was Hillary Clinton who started the Birther movement again is dangerous and unethical.

If Trump continues with his behavior and people get hurt (pipe bomber anybody?) will the FBI classify him as a domestic terrorist threat?

They should.
