All because selfish boys need their killing toys

All because selfish boys need their killing toys

by digby

The back of a pew at a synagogue in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

My friend took and posted this photo to Facebook yesterday. It took my breath away.
— katie rosman (@katierosman) September 15, 2019

America is now a war zone all because a bunch of insecure morons have to have their toys. And yes, to them the AR-15 is just a toy. It's fun. They aren't mass killers themselves. They are probably responsible gun owners. And that makes them accomplices to the lunatics and extremists who are mowing people down in Walmarts and synagogues. Because they don't need these guns for anything but their own image  and they're not going to use them for anything other than struttingaround like Rambo or getting some kicks at the range. They don't need them. They just want them.

So we all have to walk around in fear and hundreds of people have to die because of their shallow selfishness.
