“She burns facts and she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye"

“She burns facts and she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye"

by digby

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was welcomed into the Trump TV family today. It was totally predictable:

She spent most of her 10-minute appearance fawning over President Donald Trump and feeling sorry for herself.

Sanders began by dismissing concerns over the soft September jobs numbers. “Look, I think at the end of the day, there’s no question that the president and his administration have turned the country around and put it on the right track,” she said, arguing that “we are doing better under this president than we have in the previous eight years.” Those assertions went unchallenged by the Fox hosts.

When Doocy suggested that some believed “we needed a magic wand” to turn manufacturing around in this country, Sanders chimed in with, “Well, we found one in President Trump.” Even whensome time Trump criticBrian Kilmeade raised mild concerns over the trade war with China, Sanders said the president was doing everything right.

Good Girl! Now sit up pretty!

Great interview of Sarah Sanders by @foxandfriends. She is a terrific person with a great future!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 6, 2019

Later, Doocy brought up the infamous incident when Sanders wasasked to leave a restaurant in Virginiaand wondered whether she is “still taking heat when you go out to eat” now that she’s left the White House.

“Sometimes,” she answered with a laugh. “It usually depends on where I am in the country.” Sanders said she has had no problems in her native Arkansas but it’s “hit or miss” in New York City. While she said she hasn’t been asked to leave any restaurants recently, people do sometimes say “nasty” things to her.

“What I always find interesting is, 99 percent of the people that come over to say something negative and to attack you are women,” Sanders added, saying she finds that “very startling” from a “group of people that claim to be the champions of women empowerment.”

“I’m only the third woman and the first mom to ever be the White House press secretary,” she continued, “and yet women attack me relentlessly instead of being proud that we have more women doing those types of jobs.”

“But you’re out of the administration!” Doocy replied incredulously.

“I am, but they still see me as someone who is a very pro-Trump supporter,” Sanders said. “I’m not going to change my position.”

What a hero.
