Somebody doesn't like it when a woman is in charge

Somebody doesn't like it when a woman is in charge

by digby

Especially when she's dark skinned with a name that doesn't sound like "Real American" ifyouknowhatImean:

This barbaric behavior is being normalized by the president of the United States and his disgusting surrogates in the congress.It's not surprising that his racist enablers would behave this way as well.

Here he is "explaining himself"

This is grotesque. I'm not one to say that everyone has to treat politicians with reverence. But this kind of behavior is outrageous. Jayapal was not being rude and she was going by the rules everyone adheres to. Homan, on the other hand, was performing for Donald Trump and the cult by being an asshole --- "my president" is the top-off. He's an anti-immigrant authoritarian and he should never, ever have been allowed to run ICE. (That's on Obama, by the way, not Trump...)

As Nicole Belle at Crooks and Liars observed:

[C]learly, some blowback for his outburst got to Homan, because he turned up calling into Fox & Friends for a little image rehab.

"I'm not gonna sit there and let them tell lies about my president, tell lies about the men and women of the Border Patrol and ICE. At a certain point it's like, I'm not gonna shut up.

Just because you have a gavel, doesn't make you queen of the day, it doesn't allow you to lie to the American people," said Homan.

But being president allows you to lie to the American people on average 13 times a day with impunity?

Seriously. Anyone Trumper clutching his peals about lying needs to check into rehab and get deprogrammed.
