They were never going to pay for that fucking wall

They were never going to pay for that fucking wall

by digby

Even Fox and Friends has to admit that now:

Yeah, it was always obvious that this was a nonsensical boast. Mexicans were quite clear about it:

John Amato quips:

Kilmeade said, "Mexico is off the hook, he's right, the president never should have said Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Though he says the going to get it in fees at the border crossings."

Every person, political operative, pundit and observer knew that Trump lied when he said Mexico would pay for the wall. It was his media minions on Fox that promoted his border wall lies and then refused to call him out for it.

Steve Doocy chimed in to say: “I think he did think initially he would find a way for Mexico to pay for it, but as we know, that did not work.”

Oh, that makes it all better. Poor Doocy. Poor Brian. Poor Ainsley.

Somebody, please rub their bellies to soothe them.
