Trump in California
by digby

People are making fun of Trump, the alleged populist, for this tweet:

That should cure a lot of economic anxiety in the rural heartland. But there was method to his madness. Trump was prepping for tonight in Beverly Hills:
President Trump has tweeted thousands of times since taking office, using the social media site to spread slogans, praise allies, condemn opponents, critique the media, issue pardons, fire Cabinet members and, among other things, threaten nuclear war.
One topic that he just can't quit is California. Trump, who lost the state by more than 4 million votes in 2016, is returning Tuesday to raise money for his reelection campaign from supporters in San Francisco, San Diego and Beverly Hills.
To mark the occasion, The Times compiled everything the president has tweeted about the Golden State, its policies and politicians.
These California greedheads think they can buy clean air in the private sector for just themselves apparently:
The Trump administration is expected on Wednesday to formally revoke California’s legal authority to set tailpipe pollution rules that are stricter than federal rules, in a move designed by the White House to strike twin blows against both the liberal-leaning state that President Trump has long antagonized and the environmental legacy of President Barack Obama.
The announcement that the White House will revoke one of California’s signature environmental policies will come while Mr. Trump is traveling in the state, where he is scheduled to attend fund-raisers in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley.
The formal revocation of California’s authority to set its own rules on tailpipe pollution — the United States’ largest source of greenhouse emissions — will be announced Wednesday afternoon at a private event at the Washington headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency, according to two people familiar with the matter.
They are literally trying to kill us. And their own children.