Being shamelessly dishonest and unethical means never having to say you lost
by digby

I thought Fox State TV and the RNC were being ridiculous but this takes the cake:
Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers threw another wrench into the state's razor-thin gubernatorial outcome late Tuesday night, saying that the legislature could decide the race.
Stivers' comments came shortly after Gov. Matt Bevin refused to concede to Attorney General Andy Beshear, who led by roughly 5,100 votes when all the precincts were counted.
“There’s less than one-half of 1%, as I understand, separating the governor and the attorney general,” Stivers said. “We will follow the letter of the law and what various processes determine.”
Stivers, R-Manchester, said based on his staff’s research, the decision could come before the Republican-controlled state legislature.
Under state law, Bevin has 30 days to formally contest the outcome once it is certified by the State Board of Elections. Candidates typically ask for a re-canvass of voting machines and a recount first.
The last contested governor's race was the 1899 election of Democrat William Goebel.
Stivers said he thought Bevin’s speech declining to concede to Beshear was “appropriate.” He said believes most of the votes that went to Libertarian John Hicks, who received about 2% of the total vote, would have gone to Bevin and made him the clear winner.
Sure, why not? Just assume that some of the voters who voted for someone else should have voted for you and voila: you win!
Don't be surprised to hear more of this. They are having to grapple with the fact that even if they get huge turnout they don't win. Cheating is their only option and they have absolutely no problem doing it openly. Ever since their "win" in 2000, they've made that clear.