Cheer up! More incriminating evidence for Trump’s crimes is on the way! @spockosbrain

Cheer up! More incriminating evidence about Trump’s crimes is on the way!

by Spocko

I hear a lot of people saying, "Of course the Senate won't vote to convict Trump." Maybe, but as a time traveler my job is to remind people that people are still investigating all of Trump's crimes every single day. I can't tell you the specifics of the latest crime to be revealed, but the windows to watch are in one hour, 17 hours and Friday the 20th.

More incriminating evidence of Trump's crimes keeps coming in every day.

People like Trump swim in a sea of crime with other criminals. They are kept afloat by laundered money, mob lawyers and compromised politicians.

People say, "If what Trump did that came out during the Mueller report didn't get him removed nothing will!" Not true!

Who the crime hurts makes a difference. Why did Bernie Madoff go to jail vs others? He ripped off the rich.

Trump cronies are in jail and are going to jail. People who turned states' evidence, like Gates, are going to jail. He provided info that would put anyone else but Trump in jail.

If you want to bring down someone whose crimes are supported by the powerful, you show how they screwed the powerful OR you show them committing a crime that disgusts everyone* no matter how rich they make the powerful.

(*And it can't be killing people or sexual assault. Look for videos of them kicking dogs. )

Anything that clears someone or something of guilt or blame is exculpatory. Exculpatory comes from the Latin word exculpat, meaning "freed from blame." The verb exculpate means to free from guilt or blame.
Remember when Nancy Pelosi turned to the camera and defined exculpatory for Trump?

If Trump had exculpatory evidence he would bring it. If he had witnesses to clear him of guilt he would let them testify. He hasn't. Instead he has had his legal team block potential sources of additional incriminating evidence and witnesses instead of looking for exculpatory evidence and witnesses.

This should cheer up people who worry that this Senate vote is the end of the process to remove Trump.  Eventually a crime that screws the powerful who support Trump will be revealed.
Or a crime that disgusts everyone,* no matter how rich they make the powerful, will be revealed.

Working for justice is hard. I want thank all the people who keep perusing justice in their own areas. You can't know which case will be the one that makes the difference. But you MUST keep going!

As Ezra Klein said on the Lawrence O'Donnell show last week, when people like Trump get away with something, they don't say, "Whew, I just barely escaped that. I'm not going to do that again.  He says, 'Great. That means it is a usable strategy and I will use it again."

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