Dear Leader dispatch

Dear Leader dispatch

U.S. Cancer Death Rate Lowest In Recorded History! A lot of good news coming out of this Administration.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2020

The report said that cancer deaths have been trending downward for more than 30 years. But sure, Trump's curing cancer.  With his bare hands.

He also wrote this:

STOCK MARKET AT ALL-TIME HIGH! HOW ARE YOUR 401K’S DOING? 70%, 80%, 90% up? Only 50% up! What are you doing wrong?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2020
The stock market is not up 50% since 2017, much less 90%.  There are going to be whole lot of disappointed Trumpies when they see their 401k statements.

And here's the court jester:
"The joint is hoppin'. There is sunshine on almost every face and our president is at the top of his game." You simply HAVE TO WATCH this edition of Dear Leader Watch.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 13, 2019

That was from a few months ago but it's indicative of his daily output.His followers believe this. And there are tens of millions of them. They are allowed to drive cars, perform surgery and use heavy equipment. It's amazing any of us are alive.

Oh and here's what your president is retweeting to his millions of followers today:

Update: Oy
Mike Lee is full MAGA
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 9, 2020

Dear Leader can do no wrong. It's the Deep State that's failing him.