Ivanka the potted plant

Ivanka the potted plant

The Guardian reports that Ivanka gave a keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics show on "the path to the future of work." She spoke from experience and told them how to be born into a family of con-artists and fame whores and then marry into a rich family of criminals. Tried and true.

Actually, she apparently blathered about her father's great record on jobs and how she's working on an advertising campaign to encourage "all pathways to work."

The women in tech were not amused by her appearance as a keynote speaker. The conference has been heavily criticized for its lack of diversity but it was pointed out that simply plopping this unqualified nepotism hire (who, by the way, is known to have committed fraud as an executive in the Trump organization) on the stage when there are hundreds of women who are actual tech experts and have something useful to say. This wasn' it:
“I believe innovation is a net job-producer,” she said. “Innovation will allow for more inclusive growth.”
Just like her daddy, she is a very stable genius.
