Loose lips move markets

Loose lips move markets

I'm sure none of the random people Trump told, much less his cronies and families, would have used this valuable inside information illegally, right?

In the five days prior to launching a strike that killed Iran’s most important military leader, Donald Trump roamed the halls of Mar-a-Lago, his private resort in Florida, and started dropping hints to close associates and club-goers that something huge was coming. 
According to three people who’ve been at the president’s Palm Beach club over the past several days, Trump began telling friends and allies hanging at his perennial vacation getaway that he was working on a “big” response to the Iranian regime that they would be hearing or reading about very “soon.” His comments went beyond the New Year’s Eve tweet he sent out warning of the “big price” Iran would pay for damage to U.S. facilities. Two of these sources tell The Daily Beast that the president specifically mentioned he’d been in close contact with his top national security and military advisers on gaming out options for an aggressive action that could quickly materialize.
“He kept saying, ‘You’ll see,’” one of the sources recalled, describing a conversation with Trump days before Thursday’s strike.
There's no way to prove that anyone used this information but observers note that oil and military stocks made some unusual gains before the strike took place on Thursday. Maybe they just saw the writing on the wall.But maybe not. The braggart Donald Trump can't keep his mouth shut so it's almost certain he told some people who were in a position to take advantage of the news. Eric Trump put out this tweet on New Years eve and it was quickly deleted. In context it appeared he was talking about the deployment of troops that was announced in the wake of the embassy protests, and Snopes declared it to be false that he was talking about the impending assassination. But now you have to wonder. Trump was running his mouth to a lot of people. It's entirely possible that Eric WAS talking about the Suleimani attack. The fact tht he deleted it quickly suggests it was. Check out who else he was hanging with while making this decision:
"I would describe the President's mood as very focused," Rep. Matt Gaetz, a top Republican ally who spent Thursday evening with Trump, during an interview on Fox News. "I think he was really dialed into the ways in which Soleimani was planning to kill Americans, to harm our diplomats and to throw the entire region into civil war."
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