No rally round the flag effect --- yet

No rally round the flag effect --- yet

G. Elliot Morris of The Economist shares some of the data from their new poll:

- 73% of adults are worried about a war with Iran - 45% say it's more important to avoid war with Iran than it is to "confront Iranian aggressions". 36% say the opposite. -52% think it was inappropriate for POTUS not to brief Congress about the original airstrike

- 41% think POTUS went ahead with the strike for political reasons, vs 40% who think he acted in the best interests of the US

It appears that both the "somewhat disapprove" of Trump's foreign policy and the "somewhat approve" have moved into the "strongly" categories:

- 36% of adults say they are confident in Trump's ability to handle international crises, vs 51% who say they are uneasy

- 54% of voters think it is "very" or "fairly" likely that Trump will get America into a war - This represents a large and immediate increase in the perceived probability of war versus last week.

If this kind of data intrigues you (I confess that it intrigues me), dig into the full poll at the link. I am most stunned by the gigantic gender gap on anything to do with Trump and his policies.

Or the fact that so many Republicans support him even if they think this:

I guess that means they really believe he is a very stable genius. Either that or they think he's being guided by God. Either way, it's downright creepy.
