The Trump cult in church

The Trump cult in church

Yikes. Major cult energy at Trump's evangelical event in Miami.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 3, 2020

Trump held a rally at a Florida Hispanic church on Friday, proving just how nervous they are about the rift among evangelicals over his depraved presidency:
An estimated 7,000 “supporters of faith” packed the King Jesus international ministry megachurch in Miami to hear the word of the president, and decided that it was good. The Maga hat-wearing faithful cheered Trump’s comments on issues calculated to resonate with his churchgoing audience, including abortion, freedoms of speech and religion, and what he claimed was a “crusade” from Democrats against religious tolerance.
Trump also gloated about Thursday’s military strike that took out the Iranian general Qassem Suleimani in Baghdad. “It was flawless strike that eliminated the terrorist ringleader,” he said, insisting the killing would save the lives of “hundreds and hundreds of Americans. “His atrocities have been stopped for good. He was planning a very major attack and we got him.” 
Absent from his remarks, however, was any discussion of one of his signature policies, the hardline crackdown on immigration that has seen thousands of undocumented migrants deported.
Unsurprisingly, the people who showed up for the rally were not among those evangelicals who are having qualms about his leadership:
“I believe he has moral character and that he is a man of God,” said Steven Johnson, 65, from New Jersey. “I also believe that he believes people have to pick up the banner and do what’s right. If you don’t pick up the banner then are you really Christian?
“I really believe he was sent to us,” she said. “From one to ten, he’s a ten. He lives in a Christian world and we needed a strong Christian, somebody who is not afraid. He speaks for us, has the guts and courage to speak what we want to say. His actions, his intentions, are Christian.”
The speech was pretty standard Trump rally stuff, but somebody obviously told him that he had to show humility so he prefaced one of his comments with "I'm not perfect" which is jarring and strange coming from him. I don't think I've ever heard him say that before.  I am positive that he will only say that in front of a conservative evangelical crowd, though. He sounded as if he was going to choke on it.

It's more proof that they are seriously worried about keeping this faction on board. I don't know that assassinating foreign leaders and going to war is going to get that job done but you never know. Many of them are probably getting themselves gussied up for the Rapture, but I'd guess the ones who have been objecting to his behavior aren't among them.
